

(for more details on local events see the monthly newsletter.)

Welcome to George Nympton & Queen's Nympton community website

Tuesday 7th January

Craft Club

2pm-4pm in the Village Hall.  Details from Liz Ride (lizwalker4@gmail.com) or Clare Taylor, 579144 (taylorclare58@gmail.com).
First Tuesday of every month, £3 per person per session. Tea/coffee and cakes provided. All welcome!

Thursday 15th January

Parish Council Meeting 19:30h in the Village Hall.  Agenda here.


Village Larder - in the old phone box is  back up and running. So it's worth taking a regular look in the phone box for any fruit / veg / non-perishable items, and you only have to pay what you think the item is worth, or what you can afford. Any money raised is then donated to a local food bank, so not only are you getting fresh produce, you're doing your 'bit' to help those less

Unfortunately the book exchange on Wednesday mornings is no longer going to be able to carry on running.

However, the Village Hall is open every Sunday morning at 10.30 for a free coffee, so if you still want to get some reading material / exchange books, feel free to pop along then. Everyone is welcome!

Parish Council - Clerk Vacancy

The Parish Council has a vacancy for the position of Parish Clerk.
This is an opportunity for a parishioner to join the Parish Council team and to take part in the interesting and essential work of the Council.  Please see what’s involved here

Reporting pot-holes, blocked drains etc. 

If you want to report a dangerous pot-hole, blocked roadside drain, empty grit bin, faulty street light or any other highway problem you can do so on the County Council website.

Defibrillator training

If you would like to learn, or remind yourself, of the ways to resuscitate someone who has had a heart attack,  there are links to training videos below.  (The defibrillator is kept in an unlocked box on the outside of the village hall).

- Learn CPR in 15 minutes for free with RevivR™
- Other British Heart Foundation videos on CPR
- The defibrillator (Zoll AED plus) instructional video

- Defibrillator contact list

Craft Club

Craft club is currently being held on the first  Tuesdsay of each month, at 2-4pm in the Village Hall. 

Bring along your own craft project, share skills, or just come along for a chat!   The cost is just £3.00 per session.

For further details contact Clare Taylor or Liz Walker. 

Castle Inn is now open

The Castle Inn is now open again, with Debbie and Ian back at the helm. They’ve been busy decorating and look forward to seeing some familiar faces. Any queries about booking, please phone 574945.

Free Support to Help Farmers Navigate the Agricultural Transition

Business Information Point are providing free, tailored one to one advice, webinars, and business skills development workshops to help farmers and land managers navigate the changes brought about by the Agricultural Transition. (more details here...)